How Much Honey Can You Get From One Hive?


One of the most common questions I get asked is how much honey can you get from one hive? This is a bit like asking how long a piece of string is. 

As we have already discussed, when a beehive gets strong we place honey supers on the hive. These supers provide space for the bees to store honey. 

Beehive Honey Production

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A bee has a limited number of miles of flight that it is capable of in its life. If your bees are situated close to a strong nectar source, they do not have to use up their flight miles quickly to produce honey.

How Much Honey Can A Beehive Produce?

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As with any agricultural practice, keeping notes helps a lot. You can correlate honey production to rainfall and temperature. 

What You Can Do To Increase Honey Production From Your Hives

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1. Note Keeping

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Adding Frames To The Brood Nest

This forces the bees to draw fresh comb in the middle of the brood nest, and the queen will lay this full of brood.


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Feeding Your Bees

This definitely produces a good spike of brood rearing. I have however stopped this practice in my area as it seemed to cause an increase in diseases.


This hive got completely out of hand. It produced clouds of bees. At night the whole hive swarmed with a layer of hissing bees. It was mean and angry.

4. Multiple Queen Hives

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Quality Versus Quantity

You may find that your bees produce 40 pounds per hive of amazing honey, and in another area, you get 100 pounds of insipid syrup like honey that has no flavor. 


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If you produce a small crop – sell it for more – it is limited edition. Please share with friends. We need a world where quality is more important than quantity.


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