Types Of Bees

Types Of Bees


People often ask about the types of bees that exist. The simple answer is there are a really really large number of bee species – at least 20 000 with more than 4000 in the US. 

Bees evolved from some ancient wasp that was a predator. Somewhere along the evolutionary footpath, bees shifted from eating insect protein to pollen protein.

1.Where Did Bees Come From?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
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Squiggly Line

In mammals like ourselves, gender is determined by X and Y chromosomes. If you have two X chromosomes, you are biologically female.

2. Gender In Bees

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Yellow Leaf

Solitary bees make up the vast majority of bee species. 

3.What Are The Different Types Of Bees?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
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Squiggly Line

1.Solitary Bees

These bees, as their name suggest, cut little pieces of leaves.

2.Leaf Cutter Bees

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Mason Bees

These bees, as the name suggests, make masonry.


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Carpenter Bees

These bees, the so-called Xylocopa (woodcutters in Greek) are a big group of bees that make holes in wood, and plant products. 


These bees make nests and have a social structure. You can read more about them here.

5. Bumble Bees

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Yellow Leaf
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Honey Bees

Our good friends. These bees have an advanced social structure with a queen, workers, and drones. 


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Bees are a very varied group of insects. What we need to do here is really just to give you a very broad overview of what the different major types of bees are. 


Yellow Leaf

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