How To Remove A Honey Bee Nest Without Killing Them



Let’s take a look at how to remove a honey bee nest without killing them. I have performed hundreds of bee removals in my life. Some have been very successful.

This is the easiest and in my opinion, the best type of bee removal to focus on if you are starting out.

1) Catching A Swarm Of Bees

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

This is a little more complex than catching a swarm. A recently settled hive could be in any manner of locations.

2) Removing A Hive That Has Settled Recently

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

This can be most unpleasant, or quite easy depending on where the bees are. A big strong well-established hive is an educational experience to remove. 

3) Removing A Hive That Has Been In A  Spot For Many Months Or Years

Wavy Line

In this case, we perform a screen cone removal. For a screen cone removal, you will need to smoke the bees well. Then you can attach a large board over the hive. 

5) Removing A Hive That Has Been In A Spot For Many Years and Which Is Inaccessible

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

How To Repel Bees Without Killing Them

After bees have been removed, you can place a long-lasting contact insecticide in a cavity to stop the bees from returning.

Banner With Dots


Rather fill any cavity that had bees in it with polyurethane foam. Bees nest in cavities – if there is no cavity, they cannot nest. Problem solved.


Yellow Leaf

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